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Posts tagged ‘BASAA study abroad’

2014-15 BASAA Scholarship Recipient – Melanie Griffin-Michael

MGMichaelHello! My name is Mellanie, and I am a third year psychology student at Lesley University.  Lesley’s campus is in Cambridge near Boston, MA but I am located in Atlanta, GA.  What a commute, right?? Actually, I am an adult student in the online bachelor’s program.  I’m also the mother of two “traditional-aged” college students, and when I’m not studying, or working as the receptionist at a user experience research firm, I am likely to be found listening to music, spending time with friends, practicing my Russian or some combination of the same.

I’m planning to travel to Orebro University in Sweden as an exchange student for the fall semester.  In addition to taking psychology and Swedish social policy courses, I will also be learning the Swedish language. Additionally, I plan to visit St Petersburg and try out my Russian skills, and to work with a local women’s or children’s charity during my six months abroad.

As a non-traditional student, the idea of simply returning to school to pursue my dream of becoming a psychologist seemed so large and almost insurmountable when I started this journey.  Now, I am not only looking at the finish line on my bachelor’s degree, but also at being the first adult online student from my school to participate in the exchange program.  Not to mention traveling outside of the U.S. for the first time in my life.  It’s exciting, humbling, and a little scary…but I’m ready.

Adjö för nu  (“Goodbye for now” in Swedish)!

Click to learn more about the BASAA Scholarship

BASAA Summer Social, Tuesday August 12

Photo Aug 22, 6 10 06 PMBoston Beer Works
61 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Chips and salsa will be provided.

Don’t miss this end-of-summer social event!  Mix and mingle with fellow BASAA members and reflect on the past year with an eye to the future.  The BASAA Summer Social is an opportunity to network and hear announcements from Boston area study abroad community.

2014-15 BASAA Scholarship Recipient – Laura Mata

Photo_LauraMataHi! My name is Laura Mata. I was born and raised in Costa Rica, and moved to New York City with my mother and two sisters at the age of 12. I am a sophomore nursing student at Boston College, and my dream is to work with children as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Whenever I’m not reading 2000 page nursing textbooks, you can find me taking buzzfeed quizzes, staring at pictures of puppies, or crying while watching romantic comedies. Although most of my time is consumed with school work, I am actively involved in the community, both on and off campus, and especially with the homeless population in Boston.

As a first generation immigrant and college student, the barriers to pursing a higher education and study abroad opportunities have been plenty. However, with the support of mentors, FEA, and BASAA, I will be studying in Universidad San Francisco de Quito in the Fall of 2014. While at USFQ, I will be participating in the Global Health Program, which gives me the opportunity to complete a clinical rotation in rural and urban clinics in Quito, and will allow me to acquire skills from a different cultural perspective. The program also incorporates medical Spanish, health brigades, and community health improvement projects, all of which will expose me to the Ecuadorian healthcare system while helping me identify with the local community. I am extremely excited to see what Ecuador holds for me, with all of its beautiful landmarks and people, and to experience nursing in a whole new perspective. September cannot come faster!

Click to learn more about the BASAA Scholarship

2013-2014 BASAA Scholarship Recipient – Alex Temena


Alexx Temeña, BASAA Scholarship recipient and student at Brown University.

To those who have donated to the Fund for Education Abroad:

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to have lived and studied in India for the the fall semester of 2013. It is due to your generosity that I was even able to consider the program that I ultimately chose. I am deeply, deeply grateful that your support enabled me to shift my world- and self-view in crucial ways. Read more

Spring Conference Keynote Speaker Announced

We are pleased to announce that Daniel Kramer, Director of U.S. Student Programs, Institute of International Education will join us at the BASAA Spring Conference to deliver a short keynote and lead the group in a thought provoking discussion about how to move the needle on study abroad!

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